Virtual Festival Gallery
STN:ORT 2020: Program
Prologue: Summer of Windows
PL Wstęp: Lato okien / DE Prolog: Fenstersommer
When the palace of Sztynort changed owners in 2009/10, the first thing done was to exchange the black foils that had covered the windows of the building against translucent ones.
In heritage conservation language that was an act of first aid, minutes before the decomposition of the building from within. [continue reading]
Text by Hannah Wadle
About/ O/ Über STN:ORT Pałac Festiwal
Sponsorze i partnerze / Förderer und Partner
Partners for Summer of Windows – STN:ORT 2020 are Lehndorff-Gesellschaft Steinort e.V., Stowarzyszenie Tratwa Olsztyn, Institute of Anthropology and Ethnology Adam Mickiewicz-University Poznań, FairerTales Hannah Wadle.
STN:ORT 2020, 4. Pałac Festiwal in Sztynort is funded by: Lehndorff-Gesellschaft Steinort e.V. , Stiftung für Deutsch-Polnische Zusammenarbeit/ Polsko-Niemiecka Fundacja Współpracy, Deutsche Botschaft in Warschau, Generalkonsulat der Bundesrepublik Deutschland in Danzig.